Change your mindset around your diagnosis and gain, confidence, calm, and joy in your life again.

The MS Stage is a 12-week online program for people diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and want to gain hope and let go of fear without feeling emotionally and physically disconnected from their body anymore. 


Change your mindset around your diagnosis and gain, confidence, calm, and joy in your life again.

The MS Stage is a 12-week online program for women who have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and want to gain hope and let go of fear without feeling emotionally and physically disconnected from their body anymore. 


Say goodbye to fear and isolation, and hello to a vibrant, supportive community who understand what you're going through. 

Join us on The MS Stage and take the first step towards a brighter future with a permanent change.

This is not a typical support group.

It's a virtual creativity course for women with MS
+ support group
+ movement course
+meditation practice

"A unique offering, very special, quite spiritual” is how one woman described it.


“I talk to myself and my symptoms in a much kinder way now.  That has been the biggest mental health shift for me. I’m not so resentful over my limitations anymore. I am so happy to have found the MS stage.”

Gina- UK

Does this sound like you?

“I know I need to make myself a priority, but ever since I was diagnosed with MS, I feel like I have lost myself. I feel scared and anxious all the time. I want to live boldly and get back to myself.” 


Trust me I felt this way too... 

I was diagnosed with MS nearly two decades ago. I was only 24 years old and in the beginning of my career in the theater and film industry. It quickly changed my perspective on myself, my priorities, and my needs. I felt lost, confused, and afraid, and was in denial in many ways. It is a very common theme amongst my students to be hard on themselves, to be grieving the “loss” of their old bodies, and to be in denial around their diagnosis.

In 2017, 14 years into my diagnosis, I hit rock bottom!

I was in the midst of my worst MS exacerbation ever and numb from the neck down when I had a brutal awakening. I realized that I had been resisting my diagnosis for a very long time. It was through deep meditation and therapy that I realized that I had been in “fight or flight” around the MS the whole time. It was that aha moment that led me down a path towards deep acceptance. 

When I finally reached that place, I discovered that acceptance is the key to true healing and suddenly I began to live with more ease and magic began to happen. I realized I had been looking for guidance outside of myself but my answers were ultimately within. That’s when I knew I had to help others do the same.


I can help you:

●   Gain better acceptance

●  Feel calmer when symptoms arise

   Learn tools to connect and communicate with your body 

   Transform Fear and Frustration to Hope and Ease 

   Get back in touch with your True Essence

   Heal Creatively

●  Create a permanent change - not just a “quick fix.”

   Be part of a community who understand


What if I told you that you can get back to your true essence and live your best life?


   Gotten out of your head and into your body and become present in every moment. 

   Named your symptoms and learned who they are so that you can become friends with them on a deeper level. 

   Learned how to communicate with your body so that your cells can experience what positive emotions feel like and lead you to a better life. 


The MS Stage is a program for people diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis who feel lost and hopeless on their journey. In just 12 weeks, you will feel more grounded, more mindful, more accepting and more calm by saying yes to the call of your body to make a change in your life.


“I am very grateful for my experience at The MS stage.

To have a place to land with women each week who know what’s it like and to be in a circle of women who are going through something similar is really powerful. Getting to witness and feel witnessed was so profound. “


Here is what you get when you join The MS Stage

✔   You get to be live with me for 12 weeks of 2 hour virtual classes on Zoom (replay will be available if you are unable to attend)

   An intimate group of wwho are experiencing similar fears and resistance

✔   Empowering guided meditations and visualizations with music to take you on your own “hero’s journey”

   A movement practice in class each week to connect with emotions surrounding symptoms

   A mindfulness character exercise during each class to share your stories while being fully present

✔   The option to book private 1:1 sessions with me 

✔   Access to an online private portal with weekly meditations, teaching modules, and pdfs with class content 

✔   Weekly homework and a discussion area in the group portal to hold each other accountable 

✔   Access to the collective group of The MS Stage alumni and members

✔   And of course, support in a safe place

What you will learn inside The MS Stage

The 12 -week program is divided into 3 parts: Mind, Body, and Spirit.  

Each part is broken into 4 modules.  As each week builds on the next, you go on an epic journey of ultimately returning home to yourself .


Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Body 

In this module, you will learn: 

  • The principal tools of my signature method
  • How to get out of your head and into your body 
  • How to move through different emotions with your symptoms 
  • How to be truly present with your body through meditation 
  • The experience of being witnessed by others and how good it feels to share your story.  

At the end of this module, you’ll feel an unburdening and remember how important it is to feel heard, understood, and supported. 


Plant Seeds of Acceptance

In this module, you will learn:

  • What you are resisting
  • How to release that resistance
  • The value of acceptance

At the end of this module, you’ll learn that acceptance is the key to true healing, and you will begin to discover your path to get there.


Meet Your Symptom

In this module, you will learn:

  • The name of your symptom and what their character is like
  • Your symptom’s signature move through dance
  • How to cultivate a friendship with your symptom and have compassion for them

At the end of this module, you’ll begin to befriend your body and understand that the changes you are feeling are real. This is when your fear should begin to become less intense.


Discover Your Superpower

In this module, you will learn:

  • How to turn your symptom into something that empowers you
  • You will embody your new superpower through movement
  • You will begin to understand the importance of feeling grateful for your symptoms for sending you messages

At the end of this module, you’ll embrace your symptoms as teachers and begin to feel like you are coming home to yourself.


Appreciate Your Symptoms’ Blessings

In this module, you will learn:

  • How to love yourself exactly where you are
  • How to be in Gratitude of your current life
  • The experience of shifting your relationship to MS and your symptoms

At the end of this module, you will understand that perfectionism is boring and that letting go of old emotions and expectations is worth it.


Shine The Newness

In this module, you will learn:

  • That you can in fact live a joyous life with vivid colors
  • To integrate the lessons and blessings in your cells
  • That your dreams can become your reality
  • That you have a new story to share

At the end of this module, you will feel more connected to your spirituality and your body than ever before. You will experience being present in all aspects of your life.


Drunk with Gratitude

In this module, you will learn: 

  • How to have a love story with your symptoms 
  • That emotions are the language of the body 
  • Now that you are putting yourself first, you can create space for new and great things to come

At the end of this module, you will understand that you have to be in a place of alignment with mind, body, and spirit to receive healing. You own the most advanced healing tool on the planet : your body. you have to be in a place of alignment to receive it.


Choose a Reset

In this module, you will learn: 

  • That you can choose to create a new story
  • To choose better feeling thoughts
  • To create newness 

At the end of this module, you will remember to go easy on yourself and begin to see creative possibilities. 


Commit to Your Inner World

In this module, you will learn: 

  • The importance of committing to your inner world
  • To take time to let the work integrate into your body and experience
  • How to envision a life that is of your highest good

At the end of this module, you learn to allow the embodiment of your shifts to sink in through movement, connection, and being witnessed.


Discover Your Uniqueness

In this module, you will learn: 

  • That you are becoming more true to yourself
  • More about your uniqueness
  • How to truly be open to being seen and heard for who you are 

At the end of this module, you will realize how much your relationship to MS has changed for the better.


Where Thoughts Go Energy Flows

In this module, you will learn: 

  • That your light and your essence shine brighter than the MS
  • To be grateful for how your body is in fact working for you
  • To Tell the Tale of your own personal journey 

At the end of this module, you will finally feel the power of possibility and begin to experience congruence between your life before MS and the present day.


Your Becoming Party

In this module, you will learn: 

  • That you are restoring balance
  • To Celebrate yourself for how far you have come
  • That you are in fact your own best healer 

At the end of this module, you understand the importance of listening to yourself and to know what you know is best for you.


You’ll also get these bonuses


Bonus 1: Turn Your Symptom into Your Superpower Mini Course

In this minicourse, you will learn many key tools to my signature method that have been proven to work for people around the world to support you on your personal healing journey with MS in a mindful way.

Bonus 2: Turn Your Fears to Dust

On this 3-Day Meditation Journey, you will envision a new reality by turning your fears to dust and learn to have faith that your symptom is actually your friend.

Bonus 3: Meditation Album

You will receive a 12 track meditation album for you to download and return back to when you want to go through the program again on your own or repeat some of your favorite meditations from class again and again.

“I am much more hopeful and more stable with my emotions around MS and life in general. I have learned how to shift out of the down moments much faster, and now have a greater connection not only to my body but to my spirit within. This program was life-changing.”


You may believe you have tried everything and nothing is working, but I can guarantee you haven’t tried anything like this program. 

I have many students come to me out of emotional desperation and as a last resort. They have lost who they are and are hopeless about their future but feel like what else do they have to lose by trying it. I have personally witnessed life-changing shifts in every student I have taught. This work is profound. 

   There is no other program like this on the planet. I know because I created it. 

   You will learn practices that tap into your mind, body, and spirit and get you back to your true essence. 

   Students have called it life-changing

   You meditate, dance with, and talk to your symptoms 

   It's part support group, part spiritual experience.

This program is the right fit for you if you resonate with one or more of these:

●   You were recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.
●   You experience fear of the unknown.
●   You experience anxiety around MS. 
●   You’re tired of feeling angry at MS and your body
●  You feel hopeless and in need of inspiration 
   You feel like you’ve already tried other practices and nothing seemed to help. 
   You want to start making yourself a priority again
●   You are ready to explore new and fun modalities for healing 
●   You are desperate to find joy in your life 
   You are yearning to connect with other people on a deeper level. 
●   You are desiring an inspirational and empowering path to healing.


Hi I’m Megan Evans, 


I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis almost 2 decades ago at the age of 24 years old in the process of my first move between New York and LA. Over the course of just a few days I lost the feeling on the left side of my body, had terrible vertigo and couldn’t walk without losing my balance.

 I vividly remember my first neurologist telling me, “It’s as if you’ve had a stroke. You will most likely end up in a wheelchair one day.” I took one look at my mom and said, “No I won’t.” Does this sound familiar?I wasn’t going to let someone who didn’t know me from Adam tell me how I was going to end up and determine my fate. He was not God.

I was going to take control and figure out a way on my own. When people said I might want to join a support group. I said “no thank you”. It didn’t feel like it was for me. I imagined being the youngest person in the room. I wasn’t ready to accept my diagnosis at the time. I felt confused and overwhelmed.

Over time, a lot has changed. I had a major aha moment in 2018 when I realized that I had been resisting my diagnosis for a very long time. That was when I had my worst MS exacerbation ever, which forced me to stop everything and reframe my story. Through deep meditation and therapy work, I finally fully accepted my diagnosis and agreed to start an MS medication - not just treat it through food, alternative medicine, and other healing modalities as I had been doing for a long time. It was then that through my love of theater, dance, and mindfulness practices I discovered and created tools that really helped me.

That is when The MS Stage Method was born. I wanted to reach people like me around the world, who are in need of an empowering community and want to tap into their own healing powers and their MS story with a totally modern, creative, and mindful approach.

As a former personal wardrobe stylist for over a decade, I have been working on building confidence in people for a very long time. Some would say that has been my mission. Little did I know that creating The MS Stage would not only help students near and far build their confidence in ways better than I could have ever dreamt of, but also help my personal healing journey too.

Sure I have had some bumps in the road along the way, but all in all I have thrived with MS. I believe that our thoughts create our reality, which is why I have never owned the label and still to this day say, “I was diagnosed with MS.” Because it’s just a part of my story. It’s not who I am or what I have.

I am 44 now and live with my husband, Craig, back in my hometown of Charleston, South Carolina after many years away in a special place called Folly Beach. I am still into eating a super clean diet - i.e. Wahls Protocol inspired, some intermittent fasting, all organic, and lots of supplements. I turn off my wifi at night, meditate daily, often to one of my teachers, Gabby Bernstein, Cathy Heller, and most recently, Dr. Joe Dispenza. I move my body daily through dance, yoga, and functional exercises. I have done these things and more for most if not all of my years, as I am incredibly dedicated to my body and well-being.

For me, it’s not an either or approach anymore. It’s a do-everything you can and more. But make sure to do it with ease!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you yearning for change?


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